日時:2019年7月19日(金)16:00~18:00 会場:あけぼの
Chair: Shinji Deguchi (Osaka University)
16:00 - 17:00 Keynote lecture: "Active Fluid Mechanics" Amin Doostmohammadi (University of Oxford) Abstract: Bacterial colonies, cellular tissues, and filaments inside living cells, all work as the engines of life. These systems are known as ‘active matter’ in the sense that they are continuously put in motion by the activity of their individual building blocks. A distinctive feature of active materials is their ability to create coherent flows with the entire material moving as a unit. In this talk I will discuss our most recent understanding of this important class of biological systems. Aside from the scientific implications, I will also discuss how interdisciplinary approach to research and collaboration between seemingly separate fields of science has helped us to answer important questions about active fluids.
17:00 - 17:30 Invited lecture 1: "Life in UK as a researcher" Daiki Matsunaga (Osaka University) Abstract: After I got my PhD degree in Japan, I had a chance to join a team in University of Oxford (UK) and stay there as a post-doctoral researcher for two years (2016-2018). During my research life there, I joined a research project called “ABIOMATER” project and worked with many researchers with different background, nationality and research field/interests. In my talk, I will report how enjoyable and wonderful to stay outside Japan to work as a researcher, and to work as a team with researchers that have different research background.
17:30 - 18:00 Invited lecture 2: "Neurotechnologies for engineering human motor function: How electrical stimulation of muscles and nerves can help recovery of voluntary control" Matija Milosevic (Osaka University) Abstract: Neurotechnologies can help restore voluntary movements and improve symptoms of motor dysfunction in individuals with neurological injury by applying short electrical impulses to the muscles or the nerves. Implications of these electrical impulses goes beyond simple contraction of muscles, with evidence suggesting changes in cortical and spinal reflex circuitry even after the stimulating period. Our results have demonstrated that neurotechnologies can help the central nervous system re-organize to generate new connections, which can lead to recovery of voluntary motor control in humans, i.e., neuroplasticity. Specifically, this talk will: (1) discuss the neurophysiological mechanisms of electrical stimulation with the aim to provide implications for development of rehabilitation technologies; and (2) emphasize the importance of collaborative research in biomedical engineering.
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大阪大学大学院基礎工学研究科 出口真次 E-mail: deguchi@me.es.osaka-u.ac.jp
横浜国立大学大学院環境情報研究院 白石俊彦 E-mail: shira@ynu.ac.jp